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Competitor Preparation 

Miss Pole Dance UK Competitors 
What to pack for your competition ? 
Preparation is key and will help with those pre competition nerves if you arrange well in advance 

Some suggestions below - Can you think of anything more ? 

🌟Venue details 
🌟Footwear, heels or slip on shoes / flip flops to keep feet clean 
🌟Safety pins for malfunctions
🌟Spare shorts / spare costume 
🌟Body / costume tape
🌟Toiletries / baby wipes 
🌟 Warm over clothing between competition and awards 
🌟Makeup/ body glitter / eyelashes 
🌟Hair accessories / hairspray
🌟Small or large mirror 
🌟Pole grip
🌟Small hand towel 
🌟Music and headphones pre comp prep
🌟Back up music

🌟Pen/paper for networking / business cards 
🌟Phone / phone charger / battery pack
🌟Snacks to keep energy up 
🌟Liquids / water to keep hydrated 
🌟Money for shopping at the vendor stalls & food for after the competition

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